The Mad Hatters - Exhibit open now by appointment only

Video tour of exhibit/studio after at the bottom of page (best viewed in full screen mode)

In life we rarely find ourself at the tea party with the Mad Hatter, where the infinite possibilities of a life in out of space are acknowledged, where the spaces in between are everything, where order and understanding are not proselytised, where being is beyond enough, it’s a total hoot and joy. When if we are lucky to find ourselves in one of these moments, like Alice, we sometimes don’t realise this is all their is, there is no award or prize that will satisfy, there is no mountain climb that will fill the void, there is laughter, life, wonder and magic, madness and hope, and upside down flip flopping as this rock we inhabit spins around and we star up at the stars. The lesson is, when you meet a mad hatter, don’t run away to the next thing, stay at the table for as long as you can, it’s as good as it gets, and if you do run off you’ll meet some shitty king or queen that wants to chop your head off for thinking.